Minggu, 06 April 2014

This Year, Rupiah Is Predicted Will Be Number 1 In Asia

Some analysts of the most accurate version of Bloomberg predicted that Rupiah will rise from the worst position to be the number one among other Asian currencies this year.

According to Lloyds Banking Group Plc, the rupiah will strengthen by 6.8 percent in 2014 to a level of 11,400 per U.S. dollar. Meanwhile, Societe Generale SA will see the rupiah was at 10,250 at the end of next year. In comparison, the median of 23 analysts surveyed by Bloomberg predict the rupiah will be at the level of 12,200 per U.S. dollar.

Among the 10 countries of Asia, only China can beat Indonesian growth.

There are several factors that will allegedly keep the Rupiah. One of them, a steady growth of the Indonesian economy and the reduce of trade deficit. Two factors are again the main attraction for foreign funds to re-invest in Indonesia.

“We predict the current value of the rupiah is below as it should be (undervalued) considered the dynamic growth in Indonesia,” said Jeavon Lolay, Global Research Director of Lloyds .

He added that the Indonesian economy will move in line with the positive growth in the global economy, which in turn will help to restore the level of exports in the next second quarter.

As a record, Indonesia’s currency has gained 0.7 percent this month to 12,085 per U.S. dollar. This is the best reinforcement among 11 Asian most frequently currencies traded.

sumber : http://www.caramudahbelajarbahasainggris.net/2014/01/3-contoh-artikel-bahasa-inggris-tentang-ekonomi-dan-bisnis-di-indonesia.html


Inducting New Employees Into Your Company

Inducting New Employees Into Your Company. New employees are the best assets of a company. New employees can advance a company's business if they can work well and can advance the company where they work. If you're looking for a way or method to introduce the existing business in your company to new employees, there are some things you can do. Here are some suggestions to introduce your company to a new employees:

The first way, to make new employees feel comfortable in your company. As a new employee, maybe they can not immediately adapt to your company. They may take time to recognize the environments in which they work. So make new employees feel comfortable in your company, so they can work comfortably.

The second way, introducing new employees to other work colleagues. Introduce them to other colleagues in their department. In this way makes them comfortable asking questions on their first day

The third way, after introductions are made, you should discuss with new employees, what you hope for. What to tell what should be done by new employees. So that later they can work well according to your wishes. If they do not know what you expect, they will not be able to meet your needs.

That simple advice for you in introducing a new employee in your company

sumber : http://artikel-bahasainggris.blogspot.com/2012/01/inducting-new-employees-into-your.html


Turkey allows schools to teach Kurdish

Turkey’s government is letting some schools teach Kurdish. Only two decades ago speaking Kurdish in public was a crime, but now the government is easing its restriction on the language of the Kurds. The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has stated that this is a historic step for Turkey’s largest minority group. The Kurds form about 20% of the country’s population, mainly in the southeastern part of the country. But many have gone to Istanbul and other cities in search of jobs and a better life.
Kurds have been fighting for more rights and a certain amount of autonomy in Turkey. In the last decades thousands of people have been killed in fighting between the Turkish government and the Kurdish rebel group PKK.
For a long time Turkey has banned Kurdish because government officials are afraid that it would separate the country and make the PKK too strong. In the latest statement Erdogan said that if a school has enough students who want to take Kurdish as an elective subject a school is allowed to offer lessons. The Turkish government has found out that it cannot solve the Kurdish problem through violence alone. Kurdish language and culture is spreading increasingly in Turkey, Iraq and Syria.
For Kurdish activists the action does not go far enough. They demand the right to educate students in Kurdish in all subjects. The European Union has repeatedly put pressure on Turkey to pass better laws for Kurdish citizens. It says that if Turkey wants to become a full member of the EU minority rights must be granted.

Sumber : http://amienkim.wordpress.com/

Penjelasan dan Pengertian dari Past Tense, Future Tense, dan Present Perfect Tense

1.       Past Tense
Ø  Uses for telling past events or experience
Ø  Rule : S + V2 + O
Ø  Time : Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Last Year, etc.
Ø  Example : (+) We left the office at 06.00 pm yesterday.
                   (-) We didn’t leave the office at 06.00 pm yesterday.
                   (?) Did we leave the office at 06.00 pm yesterday?
2.       Future Tense
Ø  Uses for telling plans in the future
Ø  Rule : (S + Will/Shall +V1 +O) or (S + be going to + O )
Ø  Time : Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year
Ø  Example :  I will go to singapore for holliday next month

3.       Present Perfect Tense
Ø  Uses for telling an action happened at an unspecified time before now
Ø  Rule : S + have/has + V3 + O
Ø  Time : for,since,already
Ø  Example : (+) I have  studied English for two years.
                   (-) I haven’t  studied English for two years.
                   (?) Have you studied English for two years?


I.                    TENSES FORMS
1.       I spend my money
a. I spent my money
b. I will spend my money
c. I have spent my money
2.       They use that one
a. They used that one
b. They will use that one
c. They have used that one
3.       We study English together
a. We studied English together
b. We will study English together
c. We have studied English together
4.       They discuss their work
a. They discussed their work
b. They will discuss their work
c. They have discussed their work
5.       They have enough time
a. They had enough time
b. They will have enough time
c. They have had enough time
6.       I do all of the lessons
a. I did all of the lessons
b. I will do all of the lessons
c. I have done all of the lessons
7.       He sits in that row
a. He sat in that row
b. He will sit in that row
c. He has sat in that row
8.       I drive my car
a. I drove my car
b. I will drive my car
c. I have driven my car
9.       She hides her money
a. She hid her money
b. She will hide her money
c. She has hidden her money
10.   We go to school
a. We went to school
b. We will go to school
c. We have gone to school
11.   He takes much time
a. He took much time
b. He will take much time
c. He has taken much time
12.   Does he eat there?
a. Did he eat there?
b. Will he eat there?
c. Has he eaten there?
13.   Do you enjoy that work?
a. Did you enjoy that work?
b. Will you enjoy that work?
c. Have you enjoyed that work?
14.   Does he write many letters?
a. Did he write many letters?
b. Will he write many letters?
c. Has he written many letters?
15.   Do you send many letters?
a. Did you send many letters?
b. Will you send many letters?
c. Have you sent many letters?
16.   Do they explain everything?
a. Did they explain everything?
b. Will they explain everything?
c. Have they explained everything?
17.   Does she attend that class?
a. Did she attend that class?
b. Will she attend that class?
c. Has she attended that class?
18.   Do you have enough time?
a. Did you have enough time?
b. Will you have enough time?
c. Have you had enough time?
19.   Do they copy the sentences?
a. Did they copy the sentences?
b. Will they copy the sentences?
c. Have they copied the sentences?
20.   Does she have much trouble?
a. Did she has much trouble?
b. Will she has much trouble?
c. Has she had much trouble?
21.   Does she do good work?
a. Did she do good work?
b. Will she do good work?
c. Has she done good work?
22.   Do the students practice?
a. Did the students practice?
b. Will the students practice?
c. Have the students practiced?
23.   I don’t stay there
a. I didn’t stay there
b. I won’t stay there
c. I haven’t stay there
24.   He doesn’t work hard
a. He didn’t work hard
b. He won’t work hard
c. He hasn’t work hard
25.   I don’t have any energy
a. I didn’t have any energy
b. I won’t have any energy
c. I haven’t had any energy
26.   He doesn’t pay his bills
a. He didn’t pay his bills
b. He won’t pay his bills
c. He hasn’t paid his bills
27.   We don’t see that fellow
a. We didn’t see that fellow
b. We won’t see that fellow
c. We haven’t seen that fellow
28.   She doesn’t use this one
a. She didn’t use this one
b. She won’t use this one
c. She hasn’t used this one
29.   They don’t remember it
a. They didn’t remember it
b. They won’t remember it
c. They haven’t remembered it
30.   I don’t do much work there
a. I didn’t do much work there
b. I won’t do much work there
c. I haven’t done much work there
31.   He doesn’t listen carefully
a. He didn’t listen carefully
b. He won’t listen carefully
c. He hasn’t listened carefully

II.                  USING IRREGULAR VERBS
1.       Mr. Harris taught English at this school for five years
Mr. Harris has taught English at this school for five years
2.       I (write) three or four letters to that company
I have written three or four letters to that company
3.       The students in this class (do) those two lessons already
The students in this class have done those two lessons already
4.       I (know) Professor Moore for more than twelve years
I have known Professor Moore for more than twelve years
5.       Richard (take) three courses in English at this school
Richard has taken three courses in English at this school
6.       These steps are dangerous. I (fall) on them several times
These steps are dangerous I have fallen on them several times
7.       Mr. Kramer (be) in the United States for three years
Mr. Kramer has been in the United States for three years
8.       The janitor (shut, already) the back door
The janitor has already shut the back door
9.       The students (read) all of the stories in that book
The students have read all of the stories in that book
10.   Marjorie (choose) a pretty dress for the party
Marjorie has chosen a pretty dress for the party
11.   I (speak) to my boss about the problem several times
I have spoken to my boss about the problem several times
12.   That tree (grow) at least five feet since last year
That tree has grown at least five feet since last year
13.   Miss King (spend) over eighteen hundred dollars since May
Miss King has spent over eighteen hundred dollars since May
14.   Mr. and Mrs. Smith (buy) a new house in North Plains
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have bought a new house in North Plains
15.   The real estate agent (sell) the Smith’s old house
The real estate agent has sold the Smith’s old house
16.   Charles (have) a bad cold for a whole week
Charles has had a bad cold for a whole week
17.   I’m sorry. I (forget) the name of that book
I’m sorry. I have forgotten the name of that book
18.   We (hear, already) that new song several times
We have already heard that new song several times
19.   Mr. Wilson isn’t here. He (go) out of town for the weekend
Mr. Wilson isn’t here. He has gone out of town for the weekend
20.   Mr. Kennedy (wear) his blue suit to the office only twice
Mr. Kennedy has worn his blue suit to the office only twice
21.   I (sit) in this same seat since the first day of classes
I have sat in this same seat since the first day of classes
22.   The money isn’t in this drawer. Someone (steal) it!
The money isn’t in this drawer. Someone has stolen it!
23.   Up to now, I (understand) every lesson in the book
Up to now, I have understood every lesson in the book
24.   We (have) absolutely no trouble with our car so far
We have had absolutely no trouble with our car so far
25.   No one (find) that girl’s purse and gloves yet
No one has found that girl’s purse and gloves yet
26.   The weather (be) very warm ever since last Thursday
The weather has been very warm ever since last Thursday
27.   Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown (have) lunch already
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown have had lunch already
28.   I ( see) the Empire State Building hundreds of times
I have seen the Empire State Building hundreds of times
29.   We (speak, already) to the director and (give) him the message
We have already spoken to the director and have given him the message
30.   Grandmother (fly, never) in an airplane before
Grandmother has never flown in an airplane before
31.   You (tear) your shirt! There’s a hole in the left sleeve
You have torn your shirt! There’s a hole in the left sleeve
32.   I (read, already) the customer’s letter and (write) a reply to him

I have already read the customer’s letter and have written a reply to him
